Our Confession of Faith


The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the Word that God addresses to us, written by men under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. It is the sovereign authority in matters of faith and life, and cannot be modified or supplemented. It consists of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.


God is one, alive, and Creator of ALL things, visible and invisible. He is Trinitarian, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is Eternal. He is revealed in Jesus Christ, His only Son, through the Scriptures. 

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Eternal, come through the virgin Mary to do the work of God, died and rose on the third day. Jesus Christ is the Saviour of believers. We believe that He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father, where He intercedes for the Church.

He was tempted like us in all things, but remained perfectly holy. He fully fulfilled the will of God, expressed His thought and embodied the immensity of His love. 

We believe that Jesus Christ agreed to suffer and die on the Cross to satisfy divine justice. He offered His perfect life as an atoning sacrifice for sinners. 

We believe that He will return in a visible and glorious way and judge the living and the dead, some for eternal life and others for eternal perdition.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, He is God, We receive Him when we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is He who reveals and communicates all the glorious riches of Christ and assures the believer of communion with his God and with his brothers and sisters

We believe in the coating of power, also called the baptism of the Spirit, which is given for effective service in the Church and in the world.


We believe that God created man and woman in His image, to associate them with His work and the manifestation of His glory.

Seduced by Satan, they rejected divine authority and, separated from God, fell into the power of evil. All creation suffers the consequences.


Man is sinful and lost. He receives by grace the justification of his sins, and salvation by faith in the work of Christ, by repentance and by being born again. We believe that man’s salvation is not due to his merits or works, but is a free gift from God. 

The Church

We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, which is His body. The Church is composed of believers of all nations and all times, saved by the redemptive work of Jesus. Local churches are the visible expression of this.

We believe that every believer is part of the Church; nevertheless, the believer needs the local church to grow in faith and to serve God in fellowship.


Every believer is a disciple of Jesus. The believer is responsible for putting into practice what God teaches him through His Word and His Spirit, which implies growth in holiness and the practice of good works.

We believe that all Believers are called by God to fulfill « the Great Mandate », namely: Go and make the nations disciples. We believe that every believer must give himself to God as a vessel of honor, useful for His work.

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