Prayers and Medecine – Illness is First and Foremost Spiritual – Alternative Medecine – Health, a Major Concern of Our Time


Prayers and medicine – Should doctors be consulted?
When a Christian is sick, the first thing to do, even before thinking about seeing a doctor, is to pray. But very often, he only addresses the Lord after having tried all the human means at his disposal. God should not be our last resort when we are sick.

The Lord acts freely: He can heal a sick person without a human intermediary, as He can also choose to use a doctor to heal him. The Bible does not condemn the use of medicine, which would be obscurantism, provided that one does not put all one’s trust in man, instead of God. Consulting a doctor is therefore not an act of unbelief towards God.

Illness is First and Foremost Spiritual
The disease is primarily spiritual
The doctor gives a diagnosis, and God the prognosis. The disease is first spiritual, before manifesting itself in our physical body. It is a spiritual state, manifested in a physical body.
When medicine heals, it does it by physical means, but when God heals, He does it through our spirit. For Divine healing is spiritual, even though the mind will use the natural elements – the thought, the nerves, the hormonal system – to produce healing.

Matthew 4:23 “23And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people”. KJV

Alternative medicine

What about alternative medicine? The belief in a universal energy, both neutral and beneficial, is only an illusion. Either this «energy» is of God, in which case it necessarily obeys biblical principles, or it is occult, and therefore of the devil.

Health, a major concern of our time

Health is one of the major concerns of our time. Bethesda’s pool (John 5:2-9) was God’s punctual grace, but that is not what we should aspire to.

3John 2 “2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth”. KJV

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